See online catalog for Specifications list and Vehicle Mounting Specifications
A - Tall lens w/dust cover
C - Tall lens
F - Flange base
M - Magnet mount
H - High intensity 4 LEDs
H8 - Ultra high intensity 8 LEDs
S - Short lens
V - Vacuum magnet mount
Replacement Parts:
Lens (255HTCL)...................................................295TC-*
Lens (255HTSL)...................................................297TS-*
Tall Lens with dust cover......................................295TA
Cig. plug with lighted on/off switch.....................920-PAT20LO
Magnet kit.............................................................177-3
Vacuum magnet kit...............................................920-16V
O-ring gasket.......................................................30047-41
200 - 258 Halo LED Lights - Manual
257HTL 255HTL Series LED Beacon - Product Flyer
255HTL STAR Halo® LED Beacons Model Drawing
255HTFL STAR Halo® LED Beacons Model Drawing